Day: July 2, 2004

A weekend of fun, adventure and blood suckers!

This weekend trip was a first for me in three respects: river rafting (which I’ve never done before and discovered can be great fun!); trekking in a forest and getting bitten by leeches (not fun, but funny in retrospect!). DAY 1: Call of the jungle We take up most of the bus when we boarded from Bangalore on Friday evening. 22 of us. Nice and comfortable bus – I fall asleep without much ado. Someone asks Shriram aka Kishore Kumar to sing. Thankfully he doesn’t 😉 At about 8 am the next morning we are deposited at the start of the Seethanadi Nature Camp, about 100 kms from Mangalore. After a walk of about ½ km, with nothing but the shrill sound of insects in the air, we reach the camp. Dormitories, tents and a river! At the camp we meet the guys from Adreno who take care of all the water related activities – Manjunath, Sanjeev, Bharath, Adil. We find nice tents and big bathrooms adjoining them! Ah, bliss in the forest. After a …