Month: January 2006

A short break

Apologies for the lack of posts. Have been involved in some personal battles which I am happy to say are over. Some good news… I watched Jethro Tull perform about 2 years ago in Mumbai and of course, it was a rather surreal experience. The only thing was that it was in a closed hall so that left me a little unsatisfied. And much to my delight, Tull are back in India and will be performing in Bangalore on Feb 3. At the IIM Bangalore grounds. I’m looking forward to the show. And Thermal & A Quarter are opening! In the blog world, to be launched tomorrow : Keep watching the space. Desicritics’ will try to provide fresh and original news and information relevant to South Asia and a leading source of online news and opinion with a South Asian focus. It will create news, provide an open space to opinionate, as well as bring about a powerful online platform for South Asia, demonstrating the strengths and alleviating the weaknesses of the region. Meanwhile, …