Day: July 19, 2007

A drive to Sultanpet and Nandi Hills

This Bangalore Weekend Shoots on July 8 plan was an open one. They’re actually quite good fun since we just decide the route and then wherever someone finds something interesting – we stop and shoot! We decided to go on the Nandi Hills route, and possibly visit the hillock called Skandangiri. There was also the cemetery that was featured in a local paper in Sultanpet. So off we went. We got off to an early start at 530 am in the morning but managed to miss the rest of the gang. When people say “we’ll meet at Mekhri Circle”, we should remember that it’s not a circle so there can be several points before and after the intersection one can meet. As a result, we were sitting by the pavement counting chicken and sheep, while the rest of the gang met under the “underpass” and zoomed past!