Day: September 19, 2007

Tread softly

This story, forwarded by friend Asha, actually reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to write about too. How badly we treat the ones closest to us and the lengths we go to in front of acquaintances and strangers, in order to create a good impression. Says Asha: “Goes with my theory that we tend to treat the worst, the people who matter the most to us. Like with our parents/families/close friends – we tend to think they will never leave us, so we subject them to our worst moods, while with our colleagues/strangers we are the sweetest people ever, full of Pleases and Thank yous and Sorrys.” So true! What does it take, I think, to spare a kind word or two when you talk to someone close to you? Or at least be decent and not talk down, like the other person is some lowly earth form not worthy of existing. The reason that came to mind is the fact that I have come across this kind of behaviour and though I have …