Day: August 9, 2006

Notes of a *solitary traveller

*solitary here does not mean lonely, but by oneself or on your own Being unencumbered of late, I’ve travelled around quite a bit on my own. I would even claim to enjoy it quite a bit (let’s say it’s grown on me, more out of necessity than of choice). Being a social person, given the choice, I’d rather travel with someone. So perhaps I would have a hard time doing something like a 21 day trek around the country on my own though I’m not completely closed against the idea either. My recent wanderings in North India for example were not altogether unpleasant. I think the only time I miss a traveling companion is at meal times (it’s rather boring eating alone) and also when I want to share a particularly strong feeling about a place or something, but there’s no one to turn to and exclaim or rant and rave about it! Besides that, the advantages are that you can make your own plans, break them when you want, pretty much do what you …