All posts tagged: nersa

My top 5 picks in the south

Something I wrote a while ago, published by The places I’ve listed (some of them are possibly pretty familiar to most of you) and yet I was surprised when a very dear friend today confessed that she has never been to Pondicherry. So there goes! I take it for granted that these are relatively popular places, but if you haven’t visited yet, now is a good time. I’ve also listed some of my favourite places to stay in each of them. My picks: Pondicherry, Tharangamvadi (though I believe even Tharangampadi is an acceptable spelling), Nersa, Goa and Havelock (in the Andamans). Not sure if the last one technically can be called south India, but it’s still the deep south. Top 5 Must Travel Places in South India Enjoy 🙂